Grasamit restoration and jointing mortar
We have to thank our company founder, Hermann Graser Senior, for the development of Grasamit, a restoration and jointing mortar. As restoration mortars were often difficult to get and poorly to apply, he developed and tested formulations of his own as early as 1968.
Our restoration and jointing mortar Grasamit has thus already had 50 years to demonstrate its qualities in practice.
We usually have the following mixes in stock:
Grasamit restoration mortar:
- Grey
- Ebracher
- Yellow, coarse
- Yellow, fine
- Green
- Green-yellow
- Weissenohe
- Nürnberger-Blassrot (pale red)
- Rauhenecker
- Miltenberger-Rot (red)
- Würzburger Residenz
- Schweinstaler
- Würzburger green
- Weißenburger Mehrrot (pale red)
- Weißenburger
- Westheimer
Grasamit jointing mortar:
- Ebracher joints
We would also be pleased to develop a mix specifically designed for your property that comes close to the original stone used.
Specification sheet:
Here you will find the Grasamit spec sheet for download (German).