Sustainability & environmental protection
Eco-friendly processing
For us, protecting the environment is not just a trendy slogan. We manage our operations sustainably and in harmony with nature. We take only the quantities of stone from the natural environment that we need for ongoing projects. We do not have to manufacture building materials through complex chemical processes, nor do we produce contaminated waste. The energy required to produce natural stone products is comparatively low, as the natural material we work with already exists and does not need to be manufactured.
Our focus on locally sourced natural stone is particularly beneficial to the environment, as the advantageous energy balance of natural stone is obviously reduced when stone is transported over large distances.
In order to operate even more sustainably, we installed a photovoltaic system on the roofs of our Bamberg production halls in 2010 and extended it in 2011, so that it now covers a total area of 5 000 m².
Our photovoltaic system has a peak output of 660 kW and generates, on average, enough electricity for 210 households or for our own production. When the system was installed, it was the third-largest in the area covered by the electricity provider Stadtwerke Bamberg.
Sustainable building
Sustainable building is now more important than ever before in Germany, not only because of the country's climate protection targets, but also because property owners and architects have recognized the importance of the topic.
Natural stone buildings are not only climate-friendly; they can also bring significant cost savings.
This has been demonstrated clearly in a study comparing modern glass façades with natural stone façades. This study can be perused online on the homepage of the Deutscher Naturwerksteinverband or DNV (German Natural Stone Association), or you can order a print copy from us. What the study shows is that the decision taken on the proportion of glass to be used in a façade substantially determines the future energy consumption of the building. The study also demonstrates that the costs of natural stone façades (with about 50% glass) are up to 45% less expensive over their full life-cycle than the equivalent costs of a pure glass façade.
The Bavarian Court of Auditors recommended as early as 2008 that glass façades should only be used where they are particularly appropriate.
Indigenous natural stone, in particular, has been proven to last for centuries in our climate. Façades from natural stone are proven constructions which become lasting and sustainable architectural gems. No other building material gains in attractiveness as it ages in the way that natural stone gathers patina.
Through our membership of DNV, we are members of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen, or DGNB (German Sustainable Building Council) and the façades we construct can be certified in line with the requirements of DGNB, Leed (U.S. Green Building Council) or the UK Green Building Council.