In addition to carrying out extensive restoration work on architectural monuments, the reconstruction of entire historic buildings has already been implemented.
Also, in this field the Bamberger Natursteinwerk can offer you comprehensive solutions from a single source. In particular we can take care of the entire planning process, including the necessary structural tests, calculations and corresponding parts lists. In producing the materials required, we deploy both the most modern production methods and the craftsmanship of trained stone masons and sculptors. The processed stones are delivered to the construction sites “just in time,” in line with work sequence plans, to ensure that work on site goes ahead smoothly and as planned. The work carried out on site is executed by our experienced stone masons and stone layers.
In reconstructing parts of buildings or the façades of entire buildings in natural stone, our vast store of experience and our efficiency at Bamberger Natursteinwerk allows us to ensure that the necessary quantity of workpieces are produced at the right quality and in time.
It has proven to be the case that this is an enormous advantage in practice, as reconstruction projects generally need to be realised as quickly as possible.Go to Reconstruction projects
Especially advantageous for reconstruction is the fact, that we use 3D scans to scan existing original elements or fragments and can premill high-quality copies on this basis. Once these have been finished off by sculptors, superior copies particularly close to the originals result.